
November has approached us. The leafs are falling, the air is cool and the holidays are right around the corner. In November, we celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every November in the United States. People celebrate Thanksgiving by giving thanks, prayer, football games, feasting, parades and spending time with family and friends. My favorite part of the holiday is getting to spend time with my family eating all the food we could possibly eat. The most popular food to eat on Thanksgiving is turkey. In my family we also eat mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, corn, cranberries, and gravy. Before eating this gigantic meal. We also eat an abundance of appetizers. After the appetizers and the gigantic meal we get to eat dessert. I have a very large family and we all bring desserts. I love this holiday because I love all of the food we get to eat and enjoy. It's a day to be thankful for everything in your life like friends and family. 


1. Approached- has come 
2. Celebrate- social gathering, happy day 
3. Thanksgiving- to express thanks
4. Feasting- to eat 
5. Parades- a public event with marching bands, and floats for a special day
6. Popular- liked, enjoyable 
7. Gigantic- big 
8. Abundance- a large amount 
9. Appetizers- small dish of food before the main meal
10. Dessert- sweet food eaten after the main meal. 

Match the definition to the vocabulary word 

1. Dessert                                                              a. has come 

2.Thanksgiving                                                      b. social gathering, happy day 

3.Popular                                                               c. to express thanks 

4. Gigantic                                                             d. to eat

5. Appetizers                                                         e. a public event with floats

6. Approached                                                       f. liked, enjoyable  

7. Parades                                                             g. big 

8. Abundance                                                        h. a large amount 

9. Celebrate                                                           i. small dish of food 

10. Popular                                                            j. see food eaten after the main meal 

Grammar point- Nouns are words used to identify a person, place or thing. There are many nouns used throughout this paragraph. 

Directions: In red, circle the nouns you can find in the article.


  1. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!! I like how you had the children find sounds in the article, rather than have them write a paragraph using nouns.


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